Meet Julie Tobi

Julie Tobi headshot LifeLabs Learning

Julie Tobi

Julie has a background in academic research, has a masters degree in counseling, and experience managing distributed teams. Her love for teaching and behavior change solidified when she was a guest lecturer and health educator at the University of Michigan. Julie has trained and consulted managers, leaders, and teams across the globe (nearly 30 countries and counting!) She has published in a number of academic peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs and Contemporary Clinical Trials.

The LifeLabs Learning value that most resonates with me and why: #BeKindtoYourMind is the value that most resonates with me. If we aren’t kind to our mind it’s hard to do all of the other things in life that matter. I’m most connected, productive, happy and present when I take moments to slow down and be kind to my mind. My favorite ways to slow down are with a walk, kayaking, and sitting on the floor with my kids.

Pronouns: she/her

Languages spoken: English (fluent)
