Meet Juliana Baumann

Juliana Baumann Headshot - LifeLabs Learning

Juliana Baumann

Juliana is the primary point of contact for 50+ clients at LifeLabs in setting up all logistics to launch their programs successfully. Juliana has worked with a broad range of clients, from microfinance to healthcare empowerment. She leverages her background in psychology and women’s leadership to encourage positive organizational development across industries.

The LifeLabs Learning value that most resonates with me and why: I resonate most with Always Be Learning because it reminds me to queue up the questions and nourish my curious side. I appreciate the encouragement from LifeLabs Learning to be a lifelong learner!

Pronouns: she/her

Languages spoken: English (fluent)

Fun fact: My preferred mode of communication is through memes and GIFs.

Nickname at LifeLabs: Jules

Client Support Administrator