Referral Terms & Conditions

Referrer (A LifeLabs customer that refers contacts to LifeLabs or shares a free pass with companies/contacts as a means to try LifeLabs workshops.)

  1. Referrers are bound by these Terms and Conditions by participating in the Program.

  2. Credits have no cash value. Valid for Memberships and private workshops at LifeLabs Learning only.

  3. Credits are non-transferrable and must be used within 12 months of receipt. 

  4. Credit value is variable based on the total value of the first non-pilot sale. 

  5. For referrers eligibility, referred contacts/companies must purchase within 12 months of either the end of their free 14-day pass, OR their referral date. 

  6. Companies, departments, or teams must not be already within an active trial or in a purchase cycle with LifeLabs Learning or previously referred to LifeLabs Learning. 

  7. Only one reward will be granted per referral company, department, or team.

  8. Partner/industry contact referrals will be compensated via referral incentives (cash values) and not be payable until either the referral’s workshop is complete or the referral’s bill is paid in full.

Referrers are eligible for referral credit when: 

  1. They provide a company/contact with a free pass that results in a purchase with LifeLabs Learning OR the referrer provides contact information that leads directly to a purchase.  

  2. The referred company has signed their contract and has paid in full. 

  3. The purchase exceeds the $10,000 minimum referral value. 

  4. The purchase must occur  within 12 months of the referral date OR from the end of their free 14-day pass. 

Referees (Contacts/Companies that are referred to LifeLabs or given a free 14-day pass from a referrer.)

  1. No 14-day free pass will be granted to companies, departments, or teams that have already accessed a free trial from LifeLabs Learning.

  2. Lifelabs may reject a referral or not allow a pass at our sole discretion.